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LIVING SPACES- A photo story about the people living in limited spaces in the capital city of Maldives- one of the most densely populated pieces of land on Earth.


At the end of the day I don't think that you can ever truly capture the chaos, which the victims of social injustice live through daily. As photojournalists I think that it is very important to not just photograph them but also to live with them for at least a day. Because our tasks were never to really snap a photograph, but to tell a specific story. To document.

This photo story is a collection of images photographed in Machangoalhi and Henveyru in Male' city. The living spaces are limited and most of these families are either living with uncertain, often unguaranteed monthly cheques or from government allowance. 

I hope to document more of these 'living spaces' and perhaps, open the eyes of the people responsible or let the more fortunate realise the contrast of "homes" in the very 3km city we all share.


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